Return a data frame summarising functions, family, title, description, and arguments of a loaded package.
package_name | String providing the name of the loaded package, e.g. surveytoolbox |
A data frame summarising functions, family, title, description, and arguments of a loaded package.
#> # A tibble: 11 × 5 #> Functions Family Title Description Arguments #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 %>% "" Pipe operator "See list(\"magri… "lhs; rhs" #> 2 create_pkg_report "" Generate a p… "Create a report … "pkgname; fro… #> 3 extract_argument "" Extract the … "Returns a charac… "fncname; pac… #> 4 extract_desc "" Extract the … "Returns a charac… "fncname; pac… #> 5 extract_family "" Extract the … "Returns a charac… "fncname; pac… #> 6 extract_title "" Extract the … "Returns a charac… "fncname; pac… #> 7 generate_summary "" Run a summar… "Return a data fr… "packagename" #> 8 get_gh_issues "" Get issues i… "Get information … "owner; repo;… #> 9 get_gh_pr "" Get pull req… "Get information … "owner; repo;… #> 10 recursive_dependencies "" Compute recu… "Compute recursiv… "package; db;… #> 11 run_rmd "" Run RMarkdow… "This is a suppor… "outputformat…