Pass a tibble with three columns to the inputs argument in generate_scroll_doc(): content, position, and imgurl. The function then returns a HTML document that will be saved in the location specified with path. The tibble with parameters can be generated with parse_md() and purrr::bind_rows() (see examples).

generate_scroll_doc(path, inputs, custom_css = NULL)



character string. Specify the path for the HTML file to be written.


A tibble or data frame with three columns:

  • content: content in HTML to be written onto the page

  • position: either "left" or "right" to specify whether content should appear on the left or right.

  • imgurl: URL for the image.


A character vector of length 1 that holds the CSS code for the parallax document. You may use a combination of readLines() and paste() to create this vector from a local CSS file in your working directory. Use default_css() to return the default CSS to use for custom editing (you'll need to save the output into a custom CSS file).


if (FALSE) { md_tibble <- purrr::bind_rows(parse_md("Markdown/"), parse_md("Markdown/"), parse_md("Markdown/")) generate_scroll_doc(path = "parallax-document.html", inputs = md_tibble) }