All functions |
Calculate CAGR |
Function that returns TRUE/FALSE if value exists in x, but returns NA if x consists entirely of NAs |
Append an item to a list dynamically |
Apply a function rowwise, selecting variables with dplyr::select() syntax |
Convert numeric variable to NPS variable |
Convert numeric variable to NPS categorical variable |
Convert as percent (string) |
Convert ordinal variables into binary variables by "boxing" |
Calculate percentage impact from coefficients of a log-linear model |
Calculate (simple) weights based on the proportion of another variable. |
Convert numeric variable into categorical variable |
Convert character variable to labelled integer variable |
Convert a string / character variable into a labelled double variable, using a pre-specified set of variable and value label mappings. |
Clean strings so that they can be used as variable names or column names |
Copy a data frame to clipboard for pasting in Excel |
Convert correlation matrix into a tidy data frame |
Create a named list object with two vectors |
Create a Data Dictionary from a data frame with Variable and Value Labels. |
Function to create a loadings file from the factanal() output |
Return value labels as tibble |
Convert labelled double variable to character variable |
Convert a numeric into a quantile categorical variable, labelled by lower and upper bounds of quantiles (string) |
Convert a Likert scale from one scale to another |
Reverse a Likert scale |
Replace x values with corresponding values using a key |
Max-Min Scaling Function |
Read in a data frame in the clipboard, copied from Excel |
Recode value labels based on numeric code |
Remove all columns which contain only NAs Optimised for magrittr / dplyr pipes |
Remove all columns which contain only zeros Optimised for magrittr / dplyr pipes |
Replace NAs randomly from a selected range with replacement |
A wrapper function to run hierarchical clustering |
Serialise a SPSS file to RDS |
Set value labels |
Set variable labels |
Split the data into a simple training and testing set |
Returns a single-length vector if all values in vector are identical. |
Creates dummy variables from multiple categorical variables. Uses data.table() for speed (enhanced from the previous version) Uses dplyr select() special functions to select categorical variables. |
Convert single-code column(s) into "multiple choice" formats, filling data with sum of counts. |
Convert single-code column(s) into "multiple choice" formats, filling data from a target column |
Create file name with time stamp |
Performs a t-test on NPS |
Create tidy data frame with variable and variable labels |
Wrap text based on character threshold |